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Outdoor heat exposure rule moves forward

BIAW lobbyist Tom Kwieciak participated in the Department of Labor & Industries’ Aug. 31 stakeholder meeting on its new Outdoor…

Wood Technology Center Job Fair connects builders and remodelers with potential workers

Builders and remodelers have a chance to fill out their teams with students and recent graduates of the Seattle Central…

As prices rise, HBA Rebates help you get money back – Deadline extended

As gas prices, labor shortages and inflation continue to bring challenges to builders and remodelers across Washington, HBA Rebates are…

Buy BIAW’s Contract Subscription Service and get a free contracts class!

Good contracts make good builders! BIAW is offering a free two-hour class to help builder members craft the best contracts…

BIAW input needed on new hot weather rules

L&I continues its efforts to enact a new permanent rule to add extra worker safety requirements during hot weather. They…

News Release: Increasing rent, rising cost of living push homeownership further out of reach

Increasing rent prices and the rising cost of living drive homeownership further and further out of reach for renters in…