Building Insight

BIAW distributes its award-winning Building Insight magazine to roughly 8,000 member companies six times a year. It’s also mailed to members of the Washington state legislature, state, local, and county elected officials, news media organizations, and various business associations and organizations throughout Washington and the U.S.

BIAW’s influence spans throughout the building industry and is focused primarily on residential construction. As the voice of the housing industry, BIAW is strategically located in close proximity to Washington’s Capitol building, giving us access and influence to promote and protect the vitality of the building industry.

For information on advertising opportunities, download our 2024 Media Kit. For editorial inquiries, please contact Content Specialist Hannah Cassara at (360) 352-7800, ext. 106.



2023 Building Insight




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2022 Building Insight

2021 Building Insight

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