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BIAW Builders “Nail Down” Top Spike Awards

June 6, 2022

Congratulations to BIAW’s 2021 Top Spike leaders—Chuck Neibert and Corey Condron!

For those unfamiliar with the term, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) calls recruiters “Spikes.” Any member who voluntarily recruits others to join their local association can be a Spike. And their recruitment efforts make the biggest recruitment impact across NAHB, BIAW and their local associations.

Top Spikes speak

This year, BIAW had the unique opportunity to recognize two builders as Top Spikes:

  • Neibert from Affinity Homes, LLC, a member of the Building Industry Association of Clark County (BIACC); and
  • Corey Condron from Condron Homes, LLC, a member of the Spokane Home Builders Association (SHBA).

They each recruited 35 members in 2021.  This is the first year BIAW has had two builders tie for the honor of Top Spike—and the fact they are from opposite sides of the state is unique as well.

Wondering how they achieved this top honor? Here’s your chance to learn more.

Meeting a need

Corey Condron Top Spike Award Winner
Corey Condron from Condron Homes, LLC, and a member of the Spokane Home Builders Association (SHBA)

By the time he took over his father’s business, Condron already understood the value of membership.

“It’s really about finding the right match for a business and its needs,” Condron said. “If it’s a newer business, I encourage them to take some education classes. Bigger businesses tend to find value in programs like ROII and health insurance. Smaller businesses might find more value in connection, networking, and matching members with each other.”

Neibert agreed that programs and networking work. But he also believes that member businesses are stronger in larger numbers. He likes to be able to point members to programs that help their businesses. To him, that’s what it’s all about—helping others.

 “Keep membership top of mind.” —Corey Condron, Condron Homes, LLC, SHBA

“When your local, state and national associations pull together to watch out for member businesses, it allows members to focus on their jobs,” he said. “I like to connect new members to services at my local association. I want new members to see the value of their membership, so that, by the time they hit their anniversary, they want to renew.”


Best benefits?

Believing in the well-rounded programs his local, state, and national associations offer, Condron says that between advocacy, workforce development, ROII and health insurance, BIAW “hits on all the cylinders.”

“I’m a builder,” Neibert says. “I feel that the BIACC, BIAW and NAHB are in the business of watching out for me, so I can do my job. At all association levels, they help with national and state laws, labor issues and taxes, so I don’t have to be an expert.”

The power of local engagement

Chuck Neibert Top Spike Award Winner
Chuck Neibert from Affinity Homes, LLC, and member of the Building Industry Association of Clark County (BIACC).

Both talked about the power of local engagement as an important benefit of membership.

“What you put into your local association, you get back in a great relationship,” Neibert says.

“Being part of an association, being a recruiter, and even being part of their board can help to give your business credibility.”

“The benefits of being a local member are so vast,” Condron says. “There is so much you can get from being a member—from growing your company and expanding your business to enhancing your personal growth. I’m benefiting by leaps and bounds by being a leader within SHBA.”

“You’ve just got to talk with people about being a member.” —Chuck Neibert, Affinity Homes, LLC, BIACC

Doing business with members

Neibert believes in connecting people who share a common philosophy.

“If I talk with someone and feel they would be a good fit with my business, and I can work as a partner with them, I try to get them to join our association,” he says.

“When I prepare for our Parade of Homes, I make it clear that everyone needs to be a member from the concrete person to the designer.”

A true believer, Condron prefers to do business with a member.

“When I have someone reach out to do business with me, I always let them know I only do business with members—and that other members feel the same,” he said. “If I ever need a new business contact, I start with our local membership first.”

Giving back

Both Chuck and Corey believe strongly in being part of local association activities and leadership.

They recognize that their involvement not only helps their businesses but also helps move the residential building industry forward.

If you bump into Chuck Neibert or Corey Condron, let them know you appreciate all the work they do to positively impact our industry. And be sure to congratulate them for being a BIAW Top Spike!

Want to know how you can be more involved as a Spike?

Reach out to membership staff at your local association.

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