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Additional Pressure to Land Supply

February 1, 2021

BIAW consistently hears complaints about the ability to find land and issues surrounding land supply.  This session we are working to address those issues in small pieces – like allowing more flexibility in how “limited areas of more intensive development” (LAMIRD) can be used for things like housing to serve rural areas.

BIAW also continues to oppose legislation that would continue to put stress on the limited land supply currently available. Bills that would incorporate climate change into the goals and all the elements of the Growth Management Act will only further exacerbate the availability of lands. Similarly, bills that add salmon recovery and net ecological gain into GMA and other development regulations also have negative impacts on the ability to utilize land for housing at an affordable cost.

Finally, a new bill, SB 5306, being heard this Thursday at 1:30 PM in the Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks Committee would cut local jurisdictions completely out of developing their critical areas and give all the authority to the State Department of Fish & Wildlife in “critical area ordinance” regulations.

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BIAW will continue to oppose bills like this that remove the ability for locals to make appropriate decisions for their area and limit land availability.

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